Troubleshooting or Shooting Trouble

A comment on Pat Bertram’s recent post made me giggle. Part of her day’s activities had been trying to troubleshoot a printer connection and repair a wobbly daybed. Then there was gardening begging for attention and a pile of boxes needing to be moved, but an injured knee made both tasks difficult. As she relayedContinue reading “Troubleshooting or Shooting Trouble”

Advent II – Live in Peace

Our world sure is a troubled place! Every newscast I saw today featured shots of hatred in action: fighting, killing and destruction. Today was the second Sunday in Advent, and we began the worship service at my church by lighting the second candle representing Peace. (The first candle last week was for Hope.) There are lotsContinue reading “Advent II – Live in Peace”

Research? What kind of research?

It doesn’t seem to matter what the task is, unless it’s something I’ve done before, research has to come first. Changing the needle on the sewing machine? Check the manual. Removing a stain from delicate fabric? Google my options. Bake a special dessert? Get out the cookbook. Refinish deck furniture? Find a YouTube video and follow theContinue reading “Research? What kind of research?”

Making Vimy Ridge Personal

War has always seemed a very distant reality to me. As I was growing up, it existed mostly in sepia photos and scratchy news reels that preceded our Saturday afternoon matinées. For a time, WWII separated our family when my enlisted father was sent from Vancouver to Toronto in 1945 to be a masonry contractor during theContinue reading “Making Vimy Ridge Personal”

When music makes me feel old…

Every so often something grinds me to a stop and makes me consider my age. Music isn’t usually one of those things. Oh, there’s always the knowing look when a particular genre turns up on the truck’s radio and I change stations because I find it jarring. Someone is bound to think, “Old fogies are in control ofContinue reading “When music makes me feel old…”

Advent I – Waiting in Hope

In church Sunday morning the children were asked what they saw that was different in the sanctuary. One youngster immediately pointed to a banner on the chancel wall: “Hope”. Another acknowledged the Advent wreath with its candles. Hope was our focus on the first Sunday of Advent. As the first of the candles was lit, we read the liturgy…Continue reading “Advent I – Waiting in Hope”