
If you wish to contact me you’re welcome to leave a comment below

or send an e-mail:  CarolJGarvin [at] gmail [dot] com
(replacing the ‘at’ with @ and the ‘dot’ with a period)

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Thanks for visiting!

28 thoughts on “Contact

  1. Carol, I’ve just been reading your blog. And enjoying the thoughts and pictures. Thank you so much for the comments you left this morning. I’m still reeling from Joylene’s kind comments about my blog. Shocked would be a better word. I am going to add your blog to my favorites— I look forward to following you!
    Blessings my friend

  2. Hi Carol,

    I visited your blog and was also impressed. Since we are addressing pretty much the same type of audience, would you like to exchange links and follow each others blog?

    I loved your article about writing and setting it aside when life holds more pressing things to command attention. (especially since I sometimes do that but I’m trying to get better at realizing tomorrow is another day when I can go back to writing)

    If you want to read what I consider the most inspiring of my articles, look at the stories under the category “Straight from My Heart”

    Look forward to a friendship with you.

    Best regards,
    Bette Crosby
    P.S. – I tried to send this to your e-mail address but it was rejected as not a correct address.

    1. Welcome, Bette! Sorry you had a problem e-mailing but the above address is correct. You just have to replace the bracketed information in it with the actual @ and period when you type it.

      I’m enjoying my visits to your blog and will be back to check out more of the stories. You can follow me via the RSS feed or by subscribing from the sidebar to the right.

      Happy writing! 🙂

  3. Hi Carol,

    My name is Aaron and I have a question for you.
    My girlfriend is an amazing writer and a avid reader but recently she has become “unmotivated” and “un-inspired” with writing. She thinks it is from a lack of stimulation and I agree fully!
    I was wondering if your writing club in Langley was still going and if so would it be possible for her to pop her head in? I think it would be exactly what she needs, to be around others that think and see the world in the way she does and bring back the spark she has lost.

    Thank you very much!
    Aaron J

  4. Hi Carol,
    Thanks for the warm welcome to the world of blogging. It is so nice to make new connections with people like you who are doing it so well! I appreciate your insight in regards to agents and platforms – You’re right , there is some truth to be taken from these experiences.
    Your site is wonderful, and I’ve been enjoying your musings… I look forward to reading more. All the best and thank you again 🙂

  5. Carol,
    I loved your response to Rachelle Gardener’s question about whether writing was a waste of time, when you said that if you thought writing was a waste of time, you’d have to think eating and sleeping were, too.
    My feelings exactly. I’m glad it led me to your page. I look forward to reading your blog.
    Jennie Dugan

  6. Hi Carol,
    I read your comment today over at Jody’s blog. Love the quote.:)
    The poster above my computer says, “Be yourself. An original is always worth more than a copy.”

  7. Carol, your blog is an inspiration to an aspiring writer like myself. I especially enjoyed your posts on time management for writers. I see myself popping over here often.

  8. Wanted to let you know that I think your blog is a great and enjoy reading your articles.
    I also wanted to invite you to tweet about your blog for free with my website


  9. Thank you so much for your warm welcome to the blogosphere and your kind comments and advice. I look forward to reading your blog posts, searching your links, and getting to know you.
    Tori McRae

    1. We dogs have got to stick together. If we’re not careful our owners will have us written into their stories and the resulting notoriety will destroy all future snoozing opportunities! (Thanks for dropping by, Bo.)

      Tynan, Carol’s Black Lab

  10. Hi Carol: I just happened to see the posts on the SIWC regarding writer’s groups in Langley, Maple Ridge and Mission. I have just moved from Maple Ridge to Langley and am looking for a group here. But I work on Thursdays. Any other ideas?
    Also, Katherine Wagner and Ronda Payne run Golden Ears Writers in Maple Ridge which is a super group. Are you in contact with the person who was looking for a group in Maple Ridge?
    Thanks, Karen Black

    1. Karen, there are four groups that I know of meeting in Langley, but they’re all on Thursdays, altho’ some are in the evenings. However, The Inkwells meet in Aldergrove on Tuesdays, so perhaps that’s a better option for you. Check with Loreena Lee…

      As for the Golden Ears Writers… I’m glad to know you think it’s a good group, because I’m one of its charter members and an occasional session facilitator when Katherine or Ronda can’t make it. LOL! I’ve been missing sessions a lot lately, so obviously we didn’t connect there. I’m sorry I missed you. Best of luck in Langley. (And yes, I did contact the person who was looking for a group here, thanks.)

  11. Hi there!

    Just wondering whether I left my March Madness 2014 comment in the right spot…I seem to be the only one who’s checked in today on your site. Should I comment somewhere else on your site?

    Kat 😉

    1. Hi Kat,
      Yes, I found your comment early this morning… the first to check in… but there are about 25 more comments there now, so you can go back and read them if you wish. If you’ve been constantly logged in today and haven’t refreshed (reloaded) your display to make sure you’re seeing new posts, you might want to try that.

  12. Thank you for the inspiring words on mood and setting. I am teaching my students (attempting at least) how the two are always intertwined. Do you have any advice or opinion to a short story that demonstrates these two qualities?

I'd love to hear from you!