Evening Reflection

The evening slips silently into nightfall. Away from the brash city lights, we are cloaked in total darkness until the moon peeks over the hill and scatters ripples of light across the water. Our summer sanctuary, this — a place of solitude, a place for reflection. ~ EVENING The sun leaves auburn shadows  There’s purple clouds in sight  The evening fadesContinue reading “Evening Reflection”

Evening Vignette

. When the sun’s last blush is fading and evening prepares for nightfall, the usual quietness here becomes a noticeable hush. The birds that have busily flittered and twittered around all day suddenly react as if a signal has declared their bedtime. Trees blacken in silhouette. Mist from the marsh beyond them begins to riseContinue reading “Evening Vignette”

Evening Light

Glimmers of golden sunshine slice through the woods, splashing stripes of light onto the lawn.  Beyond the trees the marsh will be aglow with sparkles tipping the ripples made by a dozen Mallards, glossy green and mottled brown, feeding in the grasses and reeds. I heard the geese earlier. We have two pair that nestContinue reading “Evening Light”