In the Mood

Today’s calendar square is empty. Twelve precious hours spread out before me like a gourmet buffet and I don’t know where to start, what to try first. Hubby and houseguest have gone into the city and my day at home has nothing begging for attention. On this first day of summer I feel like a child let out of school, racing through a meadow of unlimited possibilities.

There are a number of things I could do. Probably several I should do.  Ah, but I’m going to indulge in what such a day allows… doing what I want to, guilt free. I want to sit here in uninterrupted solitude and snatch at thoughts as they flit through my mind like evasive butterflies.

Julia Cameron says, “Writing is about getting something down, not about thinking something up.”* Joy is a Monday with time to put the butterfly net to work… capture ideas and words… pin them down.

Twelve precious hours to write. “It’s a luxury to be in the mood to write. It’s a blessing but it’s not a necessity.”* I’m in the mood. I’m blessed.

The Right to Write: An Invitation and Initiation into the Writing Life (1998) Tarcher/Putnam

Published by Carol

A freelance writer of fiction and non-fiction living on the West Coast of Canada.

14 thoughts on “In the Mood

    1. I’m sorry… I should feel guilty because I know how difficult it is for some of my writing friends to carve out time for writing. BUT this was a guilt-free day for me.

  1. Oh, wow!! I love that last quote!! It’s so absolutely true! Hope you enjoyed ever minute of your wonderfully free day! Every now and then I get a free hour or two–like on Sunday my hubby took all the kids to the pool. And I had a very quiet, peaceful house for a little bit. I need those times to rejuvenate!

    1. It was a rare opportunity. I wrote all day and felt totally recharged. 🙂 (P.S. – For some reason WordPress’s spam filter decided your message was spam. Not sure what that’s about but hope I haven’t been missing any others because of that.)

  2. I hope your writing day was as fabulous as it sounded.

    I don’t know what I’d do with 12 uninterrupted hours. Something to think about.

  3. You had me at twelve hours…

    What would I do with twelve hours?
    Write until exhausted from lack of food.
    Walk to kitchen. Eat while wandering through the house looking at all the stuff I’m NOT going to do that day.
    Write more.

    Have a great day!

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