Silence, Solitude, Sanctuary and the Son

Sunshine broke through the overcast yesterday, scattering light on the evergreens where crystal droplets hang. Most of the autumn colour has disappeared, at least here at Wildwood, and the crunch of leaves has been replaced by a softness underfoot where sodden gold and brown languish in puddles.


God has blessed every season with unique beauty.


MossA recent gardening show on TV featured a House of Prayer in Little Rock, Arkansas that has been designed to provide a tranquil environment for contemplation and prayer. Zen gardens – serene Buddhist-inspired minimalistic landscapes designed to encourage meditation – are popular. It seems the search for a location where peace and tranquility exist is universal.


But as I stood on the deck with my face upturned to the fleeting sunlight I was reminded that my soul is warmed by the Son of God and that true peace and tranquility can only be experienced right where we are.

“Be still and know that I am God.”

[Psalm 46:10]

Published by Carol

A freelance writer of fiction and non-fiction living on the West Coast of Canada.

4 thoughts on “Silence, Solitude, Sanctuary and the Son

  1. Truly wonderful descriptions, Carol. You can tell you’re a writer. Who else but a writer can transport you to a place as real as if I was standing there with you.

    1. What a nice thing to say. Thank you! Sometimes there are such wonderful things to experience that it’s hard to find the words to adequately express my feelings but I keep trying. 😐

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