What happens at SiWC….


What happens in Surrey doesn’t necessarily stay in Surrey! If this video by Kimberly (@kimmydon) doesn’t convince you the Surrey International Writers’ Conference is THE place to be, nothing will. Where else would you see uber-agent Donald Maass literally stripping the [auctioned] shirt off the back of uber-author Robert Dugoni?

I couldn’t get to the conference this year, but followed the highlights via Twitter and Facebook, and am already looking forward to attending the 2012 conference — its twentieth anniversary year. It’s impossible to contemplate missing this conference two years in a row, though not necessarily because of the fun aspects.

Were you there? Or have you attended other conferences this year? What were the highlights for you?


Published by Carol

A freelance writer of fiction and non-fiction living on the West Coast of Canada.

2 thoughts on “What happens at SiWC….

  1. Sorry I missed that part. I only attended Sunday morning while I staffed the Federation of BC Writer’s table. But i was able to sell a few books and meet some great people. I hope to be able top attend some workshops next year. I have attended SiWC a number of times over the past ten years and have always come away with something worthwhile. My most memorable moment was meeting Meg Tilly who read the first three pages of my completed manuscript and said, “This is good, keep sending it out. You caught my interest.” She then went on to provide me with valuable suggestions. I had been ready to give up and that was all I needed to do a rewrite and continue to send the story out to publishers. A year later, Amanda in Arabia-The Perfume Flask, was published! Maybe I will see you at SiWC 2012 Carol.

  2. A fun video, Carol. I haven’t been to a conference yet and with so many raves from my fellow writers, I can’t wait until the day. The one that is the closest to me is Thriller Fest (Mystery Writers of America) … which was usually only fifteen minutes from me. This year it moved to another city four hours away. There is also a Conference Cruise in January. I don’t know when the first will be … maybe the next national RWA in California 🙂 Note to Darlene: That is a great story!

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