Preparing for the Olympic Games

I’m ready! The Opening Ceremony of the London 2012 Summer Olympic Games is today and it marks the start of my July 27th  to August 12th epic television viewing marathon. (Actually, I’ll be without access to a TV for part of the time, but you can be sure it won’t take me long to get caught up on any missed news and results.) My favourite sports are held during the Winter Olympics, but I still enjoy many of the summer ones, especially the swimming and diving, rowing and canoe sprints, the cycling, equestrian and gymnastic events.

Chair Balancing isn’t likely to be among the recognized Olympic sports, but don’t tell that to this little guy. All his pre-game training suggests he has every intention of participating.

I’ll have my Canadian flag handy. I may even pull out my 2010 Winter Olympic red mittens… not to wear in this heat, but just to add to our Canadiana display of enthusiasm. I should forewarn you: if you’re likely to be anywhere in the vicinity of my house during the next couple weeks you might want to carry ear plugs. I can get a little carried away during the Olympics.


Do you watch the Olympic events? What’s your favourite sport? 

~  ~  ~

Published by Carol

A freelance writer of fiction and non-fiction living on the West Coast of Canada.

12 thoughts on “Preparing for the Olympic Games

  1. Love it. I’m giggling because I intend to be glued to my tv, too. I told my 17 year old son he should have an Olympic Games Party tonight being the games are on. He says, “Really, Mom?”

    I guess it’s just us, Careann. Hope you hear me cheering for both the US and Canada from just across the border. 🙂

  2. It’s an exciting time. Do you follow Hilary Melton-Butcher’s blog? She’s famous for her depicts of her homeland. Hilary’s blog was thrilling during the jubilee. You can find it on my blogroll titled Positive letters. She’s been busy for the past 2 weeks, but I’m hoping she posts her usual wonderful pics.

  3. I love the equestrian, swimming, track and field…watched some soccer yesterday. Our US women team was at the top of their game…the men not so much…Yeah !!!

  4. Actually, chair balancing is a major sport at the SQUIRREL Olympics. Along with branch jumping, bird-feeder raiding, and cat scolding. ;-D

    1. Ah, so *that’s* what he was practising for! LOL. He hasn’t had any opportunities for cat scolding here (no cats) but perhaps does that on a court in someone else’s yard.

  5. I wasn’t very excited at first about the Olympics, there was so much hype and advertising about everything that I was kind of a bit meh! Last night the opening ceremony changed all that and I will be glued to the T.V for the next couple of weeks. We even have 24 channels dedicated to the Olympics over here. Plus it’s going to be on at work on projector screens. I loved your guys enthusiasm by the way as part of the parade last night. Love this post.

  6. I wasn’t going to watch the Olympics. Oh, maybe just the gymnastics. Well, maybe the swimming to see how Michael Phelps does. And then maybe the track races — one of the US runners is from our local university.
    Then I saw the opening ceremonies tonight. WOW! They were awesome. Hearing the Scottish National Anthem and watching England acknowledge Wales, Scotland, and Ireland as countries in their own right encouraged me.
    Seeing the big contingent of Canadian athletes got me interested. Seeing the huge number of US competitors got me excited. Hearing the crowd’s response to the British athletes got me stoked.
    I’ll be watching most of it. A good time to fold clothes & dust books, I think.

  7. In my excitement over the Opening Ceremonies I forgot to tell you I loved the picture of the squirre, You must wear your camera around your neck. You get such terrific wildlife photos and I know the critters don’t sit around waiting for you to get your camera out.

  8. Orange juice and the Olympics… that’s a good start to my Saturday morning. 🙂 I’m watching tennis as I sip, watch and read. I’m loving all your comments. Olympic enthusiasm is contagious, isn’t it?

    And, no Tori, I don’t wear my camera (LOL), although it does sit on the coffee table within reach most of the time. Even then, I miss a lot of shots that I wish I could have caught.

  9. The Olympics are always a mixed blessing for New Zealand – tons of enthusiasm, lots of hope for our athletes, but of course we don’t have the population or training budgets to actually do too much. The joke is that the sports we excel at are the ones involving people sitting on their backsides – like rowing. We don’t get to watch too much, either, as it’s shown here on pay TV and in our household we don”t think it’s worth the money, so we haven’t got it. Ah well.

    1. Thanks for stopping here, Matthew, and for your comment. Canada isn’t a big country either… at least not compared to places like the USA, China and Russia who usually dominate the scoreboard. But I think both of our countries are doing very well when you consider the proportionate populations. As of today (August 8th) Canada is in twelfth position with fourteen medals, and New Zealand is close behind us in fourteenth position with ten medals. I enjoy the Olympics… the camaraderie, support and excitement of competition… but after Canada hosted the Winter Olympics in 2010 the hype has grown even greater. 🙂

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