2016 and My ‘One Word’

We’re into another New Year, and I wish you a good one. Not everything we experience in 2016 is likely to be happy, but it can still be a good year, can’t it? A lot depends upon our perspective … our focus. Unfortunately, I don’t always focus on the right things. Sometimes I’m not even looking inContinue reading “2016 and My ‘One Word’”

Hanging in there on a Monday

It’s Monday again… and I imagine many of you went into it already counting down to Friday. I happen to like Mondays, but I’m probably an oddity. (Stop nodding your head and laughing!)  Living through the week while being focused on something else is a little like what our resident squirrel does. He took all winterContinue reading “Hanging in there on a Monday”

What colours your writing and takes it from mundane to memorable?

You know what it can be like, driving through a winter landscape. There’s not a lot to see, but you’ve decided to make the trip, so you keep plowing ahead and eventually get to the destination. “Mmm,” you might say, stretching road-weary muscles as you climb out of the vehicle. “What a long drive!” “HowContinue reading “What colours your writing and takes it from mundane to memorable?”